Your name, Barrie, is a diminutive of the surname Barr, which is derived from the Scottish Gaelic word "barr," meaning "top" or "summit." In ancient times, the surname was given to people who lived at the top of a hill or other high place.
By association, Barrie carries the connotation of being someone who rises above obstacles and has a commanding presence.
Barrie song for birthday, free in mp3.
Happy Birthday Barrie Lyrics
Barrie, like a berry so sweet,
Grows from the earth, a tasty treat.
Bright and colorful, like a rainbow in the sky,
Barrie's name brings a smile to every eye.
Birthday Wishes for Barrie on Cake Images
Cakes with Name
Happy Birthday to You,
May Good Luck be with You,
Happy Birthday to you, Barrie.