Happy Birthday Song with Name

Happy Birthday Keshto - Song

Keshto, your name is a Sanskrit word that carries a beautiful and profound meaning.
It translates to "lock of hair," symbolizing the sacred and protective nature of one's crown.
In ancient traditions, the hair was considered a symbol of wisdom and spirituality, representing the connection between the physical and divine realms.
By embracing the meaning of your name, you honor the belief that within you lies a reservoir of knowledge and divine guidance that you can tap into through a deep connection with your own essence.

Keshto song for birthday, free in mp3.

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Happy Birthday Keshto Lyrics

Keshto, born from the roots of tradition,
In his name, echoes a tale of ambition.
Through fields he wanders, dreams unfurled,
Underneath the vast sky, his spirit whirls.

In every step, a story unfolds,
In Keshto's heart, a treasure holds.
For in his name, a legacy reigns,
A journey of life, amidst the grains.

So let's raise a toast to Keshto's name,
In his story, greatness we proclaim.
Unique and strong, like the earth below,
Keshto's spirit, forever aglow.

Birthday Wishes for Keshto on Cake Images

Cakes with Name

Happy Birthday Keshto Happy Birthday Keshto Cake Image Birthday Images for Keshto Keshto Birthday Celebration Happy Birthday Wishes for Keshto Happy Birthday to You Keshto Wish Keshto Happy Birthday Cake for Keshto Keshto Cakes Birthday Wishes with Images of Keshto

Happy Birthday to You,
May Good Luck be with You,
Happy Birthday to you, Keshto.

Names like 'keshto':


  • Keshto Mukherjee, a legendary Bollywood actor, is remembered as one of the finest comedians of his time. Born on August/07/1927, in Kolkata, British India, his career spanned over three decades and he appeared in more than 200 films.