Happy Birthday Song with Name

Happy Birthday Samson - Song

Samson, the name bestowed upon you carries great significance, embodying both strength and the power of the sun.
It is derived from the Hebrew word "Shemesh," meaning "sun," and signifies the radiant energy and fortitude that you possess.
Just as the sun shines brightly and provides warmth and sustenance to the earth, your presence brings light and vitality into the lives of those around you.
Like the sun's unwavering presence in the sky, you are a beacon of stability and resilience, illuminating the path for others with your unwavering spirit.

Samson song for birthday, free in mp3.

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Happy Birthday Samson Lyrics

In ancient tales, Samson's name was bold,
Strong as a lion, with stories untold.
With hair like a lion's mane, he stood tall,
A powerhouse, he never feared to fall.

In battles fierce, he fought with might,
His strength unmatched, a stunning sight.
But his weakness lay in locks of hair,
A secret weakness, a truth so rare.

Delilah's cunning, she knew his flaw,
She cut his hair, like clipping a straw.
Samson fell, his power drained away,
A lesson learned, for another day.

So remember, like Samson, we all stand tall,
But beware our weaknesses, hidden small.
For strength lies not just in muscle and brawn,
But in knowing our limits, before they're drawn.

Birthday Wishes for Samson on Cake Images

Cakes with Name

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Happy Birthday to You,
May Good Luck be with You,
Happy Birthday to you, Samson.

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