Happy Birthday Song with Name

Happy Birthday Tabitha - Song

Tabitha, your name holds a gentle and compassionate spirit.
Derived from the Aramaic name "Tabitha," it means "gazelle" or "antelope," symbolizing the grace, beauty, and swiftness of these elegant creatures.
Your name speaks of your natural ability to move through life with elegance and purpose, inspiring those around you with your gentle determination.
It also alludes to a caring and nurturing nature, much like the tender care that a gazelle has for its young.
You are a radiant soul, Tabitha, and your name reflects the light and grace that you bring to the world.

Tabitha song for birthday, free in mp3.

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Happy Birthday Tabitha Lyrics

Tabitha, like a gazelle so swift,
In Aramaic, she's a beauty gift.
With grace and charm, she steals the show,
Tabitha shines wherever she may go.

Birthday Wishes for Tabitha on Cake Images

Cakes with Name

Happy Birthday Tabitha Happy Birthday Tabitha Cake Image Birthday Images for Tabitha Tabitha Birthday Celebration Happy Birthday Wishes for Tabitha Happy Birthday to You Tabitha Wish Tabitha Happy Birthday Cake for Tabitha Tabitha Cakes Birthday Wishes with Images of Tabitha

Happy Birthday to You,
May Good Luck be with You,
Happy Birthday to you, Tabitha.

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